Cookie Information

About the Use of Cookies

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that the site saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit a site. Cookies are widely used for the operation of a website, its more efficient operation or to provide information to the owners of the website. For more detailed information about cookies, you can visit and

What is it used for?

Cookies are used to collect and keep the information that identifies you on computers, phones and other devices and the actions you make while using the site, your usage habits, and to further improve our website and personalize it for you. We, as ZUHRE, use various cookies on the website to determine how you interact with the site content and to improve your user experience. To learn more about the cookies used on our website, you can review our Cookie Table.

First Party and Third-Party Cookies

ZUHRE ... TİC. LTD. ŞT .'s website uses both first-party and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are placed in the ZUHRE.COM domain by our company and are only used and readable by ZUHRE ... TİC. LTD. ŞT. These are the cookies used to improve your user experience in the process of performing basic site functions such as the user's language and location preferences. Third-party cookies are the cookies belonging to third parties such as business partners or service providers of ZUHRE ... TİC. LTD. ŞT.

Cookies Used on Our Website

Authentication Cookies: These are the cookies used to prevent our members from re-entering their passwords on every page. Similar cookies are used in Facebook connect entries. Advertising Cookies: These are cookies used to show behavioral and target-oriented advertisements to visitors. Analytical Cookies: These are the cookies used to analyze the usage habits of our members / visitors and to determine application statistics. (For example: How many times our site has been opened, what times our site is used, what are the most used parts of our site) Technical Cookies: Cookies used to monitor the smooth operation of the website. Personalization Cookies: These are cookies used to provide personalized content and experience according to user behavior and preferences.

How Can I Delete or Refuse Cookies?

On the website, certain mandatory cookies are used for the active and efficient operation of our site. On the other hand, all cookie groups other than mandatory cookies are automatically "Disabled". Our users can reactivate these cookies in line with their wishes or deactivate the cookies they have activated later. However, it is important to note that disabling or leaving the cookies disabled the cookies we use may affect your user experience on the website. If non-essential cookies are not activated, you may continue to use the application and / or the website, but you may not be able to access all functions of the application and / or website, or you may encounter a limited access opportunity. We recommend that you allow cookies to take full advantage of the application and / or website.

Depending on the type of your internet browser, you can use the following steps to obtain information about cookies and allow or deny them:

Google Chrome

You can allow or block cookies from the "cookie" tab by clicking the "lock sign" or "i" letter in the "address section" of your browser.

Internet Explorer

Click the "security" tab in the "tools" section in the upper right corner of your browser and perform your cookie management as "allow" or "do not allow".

Mozilla Firefox

Click on the "open menu" tab in the upper right corner of your browser. You can manage your cookies from the "privacy and security" section by clicking on the "options" image.


You can select the "safari" tab from the "settings" section of your phone and manage your cookies from the "privacy and security" section.

For other browsers (such as opera, microsoft edge), you can check the help or support pages of the relevant browser.

Other browsers: You can review the help or support pages of the relevant browser or visit for detailed information. You can use the Ghostery application or Brave directly as a browser to view how many cookies are tracking you instantly.

Type of Cookie

Cookie Name / Cookie Provider


Authentication Cookies


These are the cookies used to prevent our members from re-entering their passwords on every page.


It determines whether our visitors accept the cookie consent checkbox. This ensures that the cookie consent checkbox is not presented on re-login.


It preserves the status of users in page transitions.

Analytic Cookies

These cookies are used to analyze the usage habits of our members / visitors and to determine application statistics. (For example, how many times our site has been opened, at what times our site is used, what are the most used parts of our site)

Google Analytics

Advertising Cookies

These cookies are used to show behavioral and target-oriented advertisements to visitors.



Support Cookies



These cookies are used to provide fast communication support to our users via online messages.

cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: EN
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